Wundermap forecast
Wundermap forecast

View current weather conditions from your local weather station including temperature, feels like, wind speed & direction, humidity, dew point, visibility.

wundermap forecast

Temperature in the notification bar: instantly view current temperature and weather conditions.If you like these changes, please let us know by rating and reviewing us in the Google Play store!Ĭheck current & future weather conditions Please email us at with any suggestions or questions. Powered by our unique community of weather enthusiasts reporting live data from over 270,000 personal weather stations, this crowd-sourced data generates accurate forecasts targeted to your precise location.Īs always, we appreciate your feedback. The Weather Underground Logo is a trademark of Weather Underground, LLC.Weather Underground provides the world's most accurate hyper-local weather forecasts in addition to an interactive weather radar, satellite maps and severe weather alerts. both in the United States and internationally. Weather Underground is a registered trademark of The Weather Channel, LLC. As the Internet’s 1st weather service, we consider ourselves pioneers within our field and we’re constantly seeking new data sets and the next technologies that will help us share more data with more people.

wundermap forecast

We’re immensely proud of the unique products that our community and meteorologists have created to improve people’s access to meaningful weather data from around the globe. Weather Underground has challenged the conventions around how weather information is shared with the public since 1993. Learn about setting up the plugin, how to configure the shortcode, template overrides and more on the plugin info page. For more information, visit the plugin information page It looks great on many different templates out of the box, including the default WP theme. This is the best-looking weather forecast plugin for WordPress. If you want a great-looking weather forecast, use this plugin.

wundermap forecast

This plugin uses the Wunderground API for its accurate forecasts. They’re also not evil corporate giants, and are weather geeks, which is nice. has the most accurate and in-depth weather information. Wunderground is the best WordPress weather site.

Wundermap forecast